Name |
Contact Person |
Phone |
Address |
Alternate Person |
1 |
Alcoholics Anonymous |
District 6 Hotline |
723-1224 |
140 W. Main St., Lake Geneva, WI 53147 |
2 |
Alzheimer's Supp.Grp. |
Lakeland Health Care Ctr |
741-3671 |
1922 County Rd.NN, Elkhorn, WI 53121 |
Molly Maguire-Reek |
3 |
Amer.Assn.of University Women |
Karla Tildahl |
275-3852 |
4 |
Amer.Leg.Frank Kresen Post 24 |
Chuck Schlehlein |
248-9767 |
735 Henry St., Lake Geneva, WI 53147 |
Bob Miller 279-6429 |
5 |
American Heart Assn. |
800-242-9236 |
795 N.VanBuren St., Milwaukee, WI 53202 |
6 |
American Legion Aux. |
Ann Berdt, President |
unlisted |
Barb Braden |
248-3394 |
7 |
American Red Cross |
SE Wisconsin Chapter |
800-566-4060 |
4521 Taylor Ave., Racine, WI 53405 |
Katie Pedicone |
8 |
Big Brothers,Big Sisters/Wal.Co. |
Brooke Shackleton |
728-8865 |
P.O. Box 655, Delavan, WI 53115 |
Beloit Off.-Nancy Mignon |
888-904-5437 |
9 |
Big Foot Archers' Club |
Pauline Malsch |
248-6050 |
P.o. Box 104, Lake Geneva, WI 53147 |
Marlyn Meck |
248-6354 |
10 |
Boy Scouts of America |
Bob Dale |
Greg Odden |
245-5442 |
11 |
Catholic Daughters of Americas |
Bridget Payne |
348-0554 |
P.O. Box 1041, Lake Geneva, WI 53147 |
12 |
Compassionate Friends |
Mary Smarslik |
248-4398 |
W2830 Krueger Rd., Lake Geneva, WI 53147 |
Nancy Hoffman |
262-215-4789 |
13 |
Country Gentlemen Barbershop |
Ray Lucivansky |
248-3654 |
14 |
Dghters Amer.Rev.-Sam.Phoenix Chap. |
Sue Morton |
248-7598 |
W2915 S.Lakeshore Drive, Lake Geneva, WI
53147 |
Nancy Lehman |
275-2426 |
15 |
Fellow Mortals, Inc |
248-5055 |
W4632 Palmer Rd., Lake Geneva, WI 53147 |
16 |
Gen.Lk.Assoc. Env. Educat.Found. |
Jim Gee |
245-5555 (bus.) |
P.O. Box 412, Lake Geneva, WI 53147 |
Paul Hill |
248-6184 |
17 |
Geneva Area Foundation |
BG O'Reilly |
248-4382 |
P.O. Box 71, Lake Geneva, WI 53147 |
18 |
Geneva Lake Area Cham. of Comm. |
George Hennerley |
248-4416 |
201 Wrigley Drive, Lake Geneva, WI 53147 |
Gertie Cuccia/Ardith Berk. |
248-4416 |
19 |
Geneva Lake Area United Way |
Vicki Jacobs |
262-374-4474 |
P.O. Box 455, Lake Geneva, WI 53147 |
Jim Weis, President |
249-5808 |
20 |
Geneva Lake Art Association |
Carol Smith |
249-7988 |
P.O.Box 623/647 W. Main St., Lake Geneva, WI |
www.genevalakeart.org |
21 |
Geneva Lake Environ. Agency |
Ted Peters |
245-4532 |
P.O.Box 914/350 Constance Blvd.,Wms.Bay,WI 53191 |
22 |
Geneva Lake Museum |
Vern Magee |
248-6249 |
255 Mill Street, Lake Geneva, WI 53147 |
Geneva Lake Museum |
248-6060 |
23 |
Geneva Lake Water Safety Committee |
Ted Pankau |
245-6577 |
P.O.Box 98,Lk.Gen./451 Outing St.,WmsBay-Pier 351 |
Bridget Cashman |
245-6577 |
24 |
Geneva Lake Women's Association |
Gwen Faust |
262-767-8988 |
25 |
Girls Scouts of America |
V.J. Johnson |
262-949-4094 |
Linda VanBuskirk |
262-215-0976 |
26 |
Kishwauketoe Chapter of the Wis.Questers |
Janet Hill |
248-7731 |
523 S. Lakeshore Dr., Lake Geneva, WI 53147 |
Martha Nolen |
248-1272 |
27 |
Knights of Columbus |
Bill Meyerhofer |
248-9115 |
P.O. Box 723, Lake Geneva, WI 53147 |
Richard Kelman |
248-0852 |
28 |
Lk. Geneva Chapter, Lyric Opera of Chgo |
Vivian Keenan |
312-218-7095 |
P.O. Box 1124, Williams Bay, WI 53191 |
[email protected] |
29 |
Lake Geneva Fresh Air Association |
Gail Tumidajewicz |
245-5161 |
P.O. Box 10, Williams Bay, WI 53191 |
Jamie Sanders |
245-5161 |
30 |
Lake Geneva Jaycees |
Craig Evans, President |
248-4239 |
P.O. Box 411, Lake Geneva, WI 53147 |
Matt Stinebrink |
262-374-0276 |
31 |
Lake Geneva Lioness Club |
Pauline Malsch |
248-6050 |
W2802 Krueger Road, Lake Geneva, WI |
Sheree Carlson |
249-1400 |
32 |
Lake Geneva Lions Club |
Jack Kaye |
248-1729 |
Tom Bence |
262-215-7334 |
33 |
Lake Geneva Public Library |
Alisha Benson |
249-5299 |
918 Main St., Lake Geneva, WI 53147 |
Andrea Peterson |
34 |
Lake Geneva Public Library |
Katie Sullivan |
275-5700 |
P.O. Box 588/398 Mill St., Fontana, WI 53125 |
Lynn Ketterhagen |
35 |
Lake Geneva Rotary Cl. |
Mike Jackson |
248-5826 |
501 Commercial Court, Lake Geneva, WI 53147 |
Yolanda Cruz Chamberlain |
249-4306 |
36 |
Lake Geneva Women's Club |
Doris Dickson |
245-0520 |
N2793 Walden Lane, Lake Geneva, WI 53147 |
Lillian Smith |
248-3274 |
37 |
Lakeland Animal Welfare Society |
Kristen Perry |
723-3899 |
P.O. Box 1000, Elkhorn, WI 53121 |
Cindy Wrobel, Humane Off. |
723-1100 |
38 |
Lakeland Audubon Society |
P.O. Box 473, Elkhorn, WI 53121 |
39 |
Lakes Area Bridge Club |
Dick Koehler |
248-4632 |
1021 Park Row, Lake Geneva, WI 53147 |
40 |
Lakes Area Senior Club |
Walter Johnson |
723-4791 |
1228 Pinecrest Ln., Elkhorn, WI 53121 |
Bud Tween |
728-6426 |
41 |
Lakes Drift Riders Snowmobile Club |
Gary Parsons, President |
248-1232 |
N3241 Williams Street, Lake Geneva, WI 53147 |
John Erickson |
248-2533 |
42 |
Linn Neighborly Club |
Mary Lou Esmond |
248-6482 |
N1577 State Road 120, Lake Geneva, WI 53147 |
43 |
Masonic Lodge |
John Wozniak |
248-2035 |
335 S. Lake Shore Drive, Lake Geneva, WI
53147 |
Jerry Steinke |
248-2320 |
44 |
Pheasants Forever |
Mark Hansen |
248-8170 |
916 Mobile Street, Lake Geneva, WI 53147 |
45 |
Senior Travel Club of Wal. Co. |
Sandy Thiele |
262-882-5564 |
N2525 Hill St., Darien, WI 53114 |
Ruth Pfeiffer |
723-2072 |
46 |
Skeeter Ice Boat Club |
Bob Pagel |
245-6242 |
P.O. Box 185, Williams Bay, WI 53191 |
Jane Pagel |
47 |
Sherry Monty |
262-882-3470 |
N2666 Hwy. K, Darien, WI 53114 |
Laurie Olsen |
262-882-3470 |
48 |
Social Security Income |
800-772-1213 |
P.O. Box 419, Milwaukee, WI 53201 |
49 |
Spirit of the Lakes Chor.-Sw.Adelines |
Joyce Schmidt |
248-6350 |
1130 Pleasant Street, Lake Geneva, WI 53147 |
50 |
Telecare |
Lois Bartelson |
248-38311 |
2211 Sheridan Springs Rd., Burlington, WI
53105 |
Gwen Dwyer |
723-2444 |
51 |
Veterans of Foreign Wars |
Don Weyrauch |
245-1392 |
431 Observatory Road, Williams Bay, WI 53191 |
Ron Schildt |
723-2003 |
52 |
Vietnow-Walworth Co. Chapter |
John Allen |
603 N. Terrace, Delavan, WI 53115 |
53 |
VIP Services, Inc. |
723-4043 |
811 E. Geneva St., Elkhorn, WI 53121 |
54 |
Volunteer Connections |
Patti O'Brien |
472-9632 |
100 W. Walworth St.(old courthouse)Elkhorn, WI |
55 |
Wal.Co.Adult Program-WI Spec. Olymp |
Betty Aguirre 248-3034 |
279-6607 |
P.O. Box 574, Lake Geneva, WI 53147 |
Joe Peyer |
248-6211 |
56 |
Wal.Co.Dept. of Health & Human Serv. |
Lenda Seemeyer |
741-3200 |
Hwy.NN, Box 1005, Elkhorn, WI 53121 |
Becky Gove |
741-3200 |
57 |
Walworth County Genealogical Society |
Bud or Francis Tweed |
728-6426 |
Delavan Pub.Lib.,P.O. Box 159, Delavan, WI
53115 |
Ida McLean |
58 |
Wis.Dept. of Natural Resources |
Rick Reed |
P.O. Box 711, Darien, WI 53114 |
59 |
Woods & Waters Sportsman Club |
John Mikrut |
248-0814 |
N3443 Clubhouse Dr., Lake Geneva, WI 53147 |
Stan Albrecht |
248-6574 |
60 |
Joe Peyer, Director |
248-6211 |
203 S. Wells St., Lake Geneva, WI 53147 |
Chris Palka |
61 |
Time Is Now To Help |
Sal Dimicelli, Sr. |
249-7000 |
P.O. Box 70, Pell Lake, WI 53157-0070 |
62 |
63 |