The Benefits of Membership


Why should I join the Chamber of Commerce?  How will it benefit my business?

Joining a Chamber identifies you as a business leader committed to improving quality of life by reinvesting profits from your business back into the local community. 


          The Geneva Lake Area Chamber of Commerce is a membership based organization.  Therefore, the Chamber staff fairly and regularly represents and refers our members with confidence.


          Members have the opportunity to place literature in the Information Center, and if applicable in the relocation and wedding packets.  Members will also be published where applicable in the professional and organization directories.  Located on the lakefront, the Information Center is staffed 7 days a week, Mon.-Fri. 9am-5pm and Sat. & Sun. 10am-4pm.  In 2005 the center received 17,566 phone inquiries, 17,201 walk –ins, 15,964 mail requests, and sent out 69,422 literature packets.


          Members receive listings in the appropriate categories of Lake Geneva’s official websites:

  (Convention and Visitors Bureau)

     (Chamber of Commerce)

          also  providing  a link to the member’s website

           In 2005, there were 379,668 web hits.


          Members receive an informative monthly newsletter.


          Members are invited to attend the Annual Chamber Gathering.  Held in September, this is a great opportunity to meet and mingle with fellow members.  The annual Outstanding Citizen, Community Betterment and Hospitality Awards are also presented at this time.


          Members will be included when applicable in the CertifiCheck program.  This gift certificate program is exclusive to Chamber members.  It is designed to keep dollars local and drive potential business to Chamber members.  CertifiChecks are sold at the Information Center and online. Upon joining the Chamber, members will receive a window decal and very simple instructions on how to process these gift certificates.


          Retail Members are included in the Call Three Network plan which alerts retail Chamber members of shoplifters, bad checks, missing children and the like.  Every business in our community can be proud that there is a program like this in place.                                          

           Members have the opportunity to attend monthly meetings:    

          The Retail Division meets the second Wednesday of every month.  Chamber members receive discounted rates for inclusion in the many retail events, activities and special promotions.

          The Chamber Board of Directors and the Convention and Visitors Bureau marketing committee hold meetings the third Thursday of every month.


          Members are offered a variety of advertising opportunities:

          -Upon joining, new members are featured in the monthly newsletter.

          -Additionally, a press release with optional photo will be sent to all area publications.

          -Members have the opportunity to participate in the annual Member to Member Discount program.  This card is updated and            mailed out in the summer listing special discounts offered by participating Chamber members for their fellow members. 

          -Hosting a special event? Member’s events can be posted on the website and may be included in the newsletter.

          -Members receive a complimentary listing when applicable in the annual Official Visitors Guide published each Spring.  Only            Chamber members have the opportunity to purchase a display ad in this guide as well.





Copyright© 2000 by Geneva Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce.
All rights reserved.